Governing AI Forum

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25 July 2024 Hilton, Auckland

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Navigating AI – from the board’s perspective

Join us to hear from the AI experts you should be listening to while wearing your director's hat. 

You'll gain insights on how to leverage new opportunities - and manage the risks - of AI at your board table.

Looking at the unique perspective of the board's role in governing AI, the forum will tackle topics including managing AI responsibly, intellectual property, developing your AI strategy, applying a Te Tiriti and New Zealand lens – and more.



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    Putting AI best practice into a New Zealand context

    Forum speakers Frith Tweedie and Dr Karaitiana Taiuru urge boards to ensure that an Aotearoa New Zealand and Responsible AI governance lens is applied when integrating AI into strategies, policies and usage. 


    Read below to preview the insights you can look forward to in their Forum sessions. 

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    Session highlight

    We're excited to have Stephen Ponsford CMInstD, Evan Wilson MInstD and Hayden Leith from Qrious join us to present cutting-edge insights into the opportunities of AI and its potential across industries. You'll leave the session better equipped to lead your organisation in an AI-driven future. 


    Qrious use data and AI driven innovation to optimise organisational success.

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    AI in financial reporting and audit: Navigating the new era

    Three quarters of businesses globally are using artificial intelligence, to some degree, in their financial reporting, and this is set to rise to 99 per cent over the next three years.


    Read about how directors and boards will need to embrace AI’s transformative power in financial reporting for enhanced decision-making and risk management.



Thursday — 25 July 2024

Hilton, Auckland

  • Registration

    Registration is open from 8.00am

  • Mihi whakatau

    Welcome to the 2024 Governing AI Forum 

  • Understanding the AI landscape

    Ben Gilbert, Microsoft Asia's AI Legal Lead will share Microsoft's learnings on the pivotal role of boards in steering their company's Data, AI and Generative AI strategy, emphasizing the essential dependencies for successful outcomes. 

    He'll explore effective governance models designed to support the execution of AI strategies, ensuring organisations are well-positioned to harness the full potential of AI technologies.

    After attending this session, you will understand the emerging risks associated with AI, framed within the context of director responsibilities. And you'll learn how governance structures, cultural change, process and policy tweaks, and contractual safeguards are all critical to manage these new challenges.

    The session aims to equip directors with the insights and tools necessary to navigate the paradigm shift brought about by generative AI, fostering an environment of informed decision-making and robust oversight.

  • Morning tea

  • The board’s role in “responsible AI”

    Privacy and AI expert Frith Tweedie serves on the executive council of the AI Forum, and the global and AU-NZ advisory boards of the International Association of Privacy Professionals.

    She leads a consultancy that advises on pragmatic solutions to privacy and AI challenges using risk-based, privacy/ethics by design thinking that treats privacy and responsible AI as drivers of value.

    Her presentation will  discuss the key role that responsible AI governance plays in managing risk, maintaining trust and delivering on the promise of AI, without creating new “sociotechnical” problems for organisations.

  • The board's role in AI intellectual property

    Jenni Rutter MInstD is a partner and leader of the intellectual property team at Dentons in New Zealand. She advises on a broad range of IP issues involving emerging technologies as well as trademarks and designs, anti-counterfeiting, copyright and confidential information.

    This presentation will help boards to think about IP protection in an AI world including awareness of deepfakes, the legal status of AI-created content, and questions boards should be asking.

  • Applying a Te Tiriti and a New Zealand lens

    Dr Karaitiana Taiuru leads a boutique consultancy that advises on AI/data, Māori data sovereignty implementation, and Emerging Technologies (Digital and Genetic) Ethics. This presentation will provide boards with ways to cast a New Zealand governance lens over AI implementation with reference to risk management, potential bias and interaction with te ao Māori.  

  • Lunch

  • Director panel

    How directors are using AI in their businesses and thinking about the board’s role in governance of AI

    In this discussion, you’ll hear different perspectives from fellow directors on how you can take up the opportunities that responsible AI presents.

    Facilitated by Monique Forbes CMInstD

  • The Art of the Possible and developing your AI game plan

    Qrious will present cutting-edge research and insights that highlight the urgency for boards to prioritise AI adoption, showcasing how AI is revolutionising industries and why immediate action is crucial. You’ll experience AI in action through examples and hands-on interactions showing a clear vision for its potential across industries.

    In an interactive segment, Qrious will guide you through how to get started or continue to drive momentum through an AI Game Plan. Learn about typical strategic AI horizons and map out your own AI game plan. This session will equip you with the essential questions and governance insights needed to effectively oversee AI initiatives, ensuring your organisation is prepared for the AI-driven future.   


  • The AI director and AI in the boardroom - Practical tips to use AI everyday as a director

  • Afternoon tea

  • Fast fact - Community trust in AI

    AI was described in the 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer as the “battleground for trust in tech”. What can community attitudes tell us about how AI can be successfully and why is AI almost as equally distrusted by those on the left and right of the political spectrum?

  • Table top scenario

    Reflecting on the day so far, this interactive session will look at developing your AI strategy and what practical insights you can implement at your board table. 

  • Fireside chat

    Melissa Clark-Reynolds will sit down with Candace Kinser in this fireside chat. As CEO of NZTech, Candace was instrumental in establishing NZTechWeek and Tech Women NZ.

    Currently, she sits on the boards of Livestock Improvement (LIC) as Chair of the Tech Committee, chairs Helius Therapeutics, and is President of the Cancer Society for Auckland & Northland.

    Candace is on the Governing Council of the University of Auckland and is completing her third Master’s degree, this time in Information Governance focusing on AI.

     Come prepared with your questions for Candace.