Anne Urlwin

CFInstD | National Council | Wellington

Anne Urlwin is a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Directors, Standards Committee chair, Wellington Branch Committee member, and a representative on the National Council. A professional director, Anne divides her time between Wanaka and Wellington. Her governance experience is in a diverse range of sectors including energy, construction, health, telecommunications, infrastructure, regulation and financial services, and in different organisations including private, publicly listed, Crown and local authority companies and statutory entities.

Anne is chair of Precinct Properties New Zealand Ltd, a director of City Rail Link Ltd, Infratil Ltd, Vector Ltd and Ventia Services Group Ltd.  Anne is an establishment member of the NZX Corporate Governance Institute. She is a former director of Summerset Group Holdings Ltd, Queenstown Airport Corporation Ltd, Tilt Renewables Ltd, Chorus Ltd, and Steel & Tube Holdings Ltd, and a former chair of national commercial construction group Naylor Love Enterprises Ltd and of the New Zealand Blood Service.