Online courses

Our online courses allow you to study a range of governance topics in your own time, at your own pace.

Take our popular Governance Essentials and Finance Essentials courses as online modules or dive into other specialist areas of governance with our module series.

Please note, work is underway to update the Advanced Health and Safety Governance online course content so it is in line with the new Health and Safety Governance: A Good Practice Guide, recently produced and released by IoD and WorkSafe. The updated version of this course will be available from in September 2024. You can still purchase the course in its current format.

Online course bundles

IoD Essentials bundle

The IoD Essentials online bundle

This bundle includes our online Governance Essentials modules and Finance Essentials modules.
NFP FES GES online bundle

Not-for-Profit Essentials online bundle

This bundle includes our online Not-for-Profit Governance Essentials modules and Not-For-Profit Finance Essentials modules.

Online course modules

Health and Safety Governance v2

Health and Safety Governance - online module

Understand your legal obligations as a director under the Health and Safety at Work Act.
Advanced Health and Safety Governance online

Advanced Health and Safety Governance - online course

Learn how to meet your obligations as a director responsible for health and safety at your organisation.
FES online

Finance Essentials – online module series

Gain the confidence to challenge the financial reports and ask the right questions on behalf of your stakeholders.
GES modules series

Governance Essentials - online module series

Gain a confident understanding of robust board processes, good decision-making and board operations through this online module series.
NFP FES online modules

Not-for-Profit Finance Essentials - online module series

Explore the financial role of a not-for-profit board member.
NFP GES online modules

Not-for-Profit Governance Essentials - online module series

Understand the boards’ role, processes and unique challenges in the not-for-profit environment.
back of mans head web

The Board's Role in Mental Health and Wellbeing - online module

This online module has been developed to support directors and boards in their role in relation to workplace mental health and wellbeing.