Tautua Pasifika Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Tautua Pasifika Mentoring Programme?

The Tautua Pasifika Mentoring Programme is a 10-month mentorship that seeks to bridge the gap between western governance principals and traditional Pasifika leadership models.  
The programme provides a platform for aspiring Pasifika leaders who wish to pursue a future in governance and learn from leading directors in Aotearoa New Zealand. As part of the process, participants (mentees) will have an opportunity to meaningfully contribute diverse perspectives to the governance landscape. 

What are the programme’s objectives? 

‘Tautua’ or servant leadership in the Pasifika context infers reciprocal learning pathways for both mentors and mentees. We recognise that each individual on the programme brings valuable knowledge, wisdom and insights that others  can learn from and grow. The experience will be mutually beneficial and culturally enriching for both our mentors and our mentees.

Who is eligible to apply for the pilot?

Applications are open to Pasifika IoD members and non-members based in Auckland. 

Further information is provided on the eligibility page. Please review these thoroughly before submitting an application.

Why is this pilot available for Auckland-based participants only?

As a new initiative, we are conducting the pilot programme in Auckland because it has the highest percentage of Pasifika people. If successful, we will roll this programme out to other regions.  

Can non-IoD members apply?

Yes. Applications are open to members and non-members of the IoD.

Is there a cost to participate in the programme?

There is no fee associated with applications for the Tautua Pasifika Mentoring Programme.

Mentees will cover the cost of their own travel including relevant costs associated when meeting with their mentors.

Mentees are invited to attend two in-person sessions held in Auckland during the year. Mentees will be notified of the dates and locations, and will be expected to cover their own travel costs to and from the venue/ events. Catering will be provided by the IoD. 

How many mentees are selected?

We aim to select up to 10 mentees for the pilot programme.

What will be involved in the selection process?

Mentees are shortlisted by the IoD, with  the final 10 mentees  chosen by a selection panel consisting of the IoD’s CEO, a member of the IoD’s Pacific Advisory Group, and an independent leading director.

All applicants will be notified by 5 December 2024 as to whether or not they have been accepted into the programme. Selections will be final and no review will be undertaken.

Further information is provided in the Terms and Conditions. Please review these thoroughly before submitting an application.

Is the programme open to applicants throughout New Zealand?

At this time, the pilot is open only to those based in Auckland and other locations may be considered in the future.

Do applicants need to be a member of the IoD?

Applicants do not need to be a member of the Institute of Directors to apply. 

How does the mentorship work?

Mentors provide guidance based on their experience, and the mentoring process will vary depending on the individual but will focus on the specific challenges Pasifika leaders face. A range of tools will be available for both mentors and mentees to guide the sessions if needed.

What happens after I am selected?

Successful applicants will be notified by the IoD  via email on or before 5 December 2024.

We will match mentees with suitable mentors based on their experience, expectations of the programme and governance aspirations.

The programme runs from March to December 2025 --mentors and mentees will be formally introduced in February 2025 via email. This will be followed by an online induction session on 11 February to discuss the outline of the programme, including expectations around the roles and how to get the most out of the experience. Each mentee will receive our Mentee Guide. 

We suggest that mentors and mentees meet for at least one hour, six to seven times during the designated programme period.

Can either party withdraw from the programme during the period?

The mentor and mentee are free to withdraw from the programme at any time by contacting the Diversity Programmes Manager. If a mentor withdraws from the programme within the first five months, the IoD will look to find a suitable replacement.

Will my name be made public if I am accepted into the programme?

The IoD reserves the right to use your information for marketing and publicity purposes as outlined in the terms and conditions within the application form. A list of successful mentees will be published on the IoD website and through our social media channels.

Further information is provided in the Terms and Conditions. Please review these thoroughly before submitting an application.

What if I’m not selected?

Those applicants who are not selected for the 2025 programme may reapply for future intakes.

Who are the mentors?

Our mentors come with vast experience and knowledge across a range of sectors and industries. Read their profiles here.

Can I be a mentor?

If you would like to be a future mentor for our Tautua Pasifika Mentoring programme please contact litia.brighouse-fuavao@iod.org.nz for more information.

Do I need approval or input from my board?

There is no requirement for references or nominations to apply for the programme.